Dear SSFW colleagues, please be advised, Composer 2 is now available. You can read the official announcement on the packagist blog .
What does it mean for your projects based on Shopsys Framework?
Your project will download automatically a version 2 of Composer, because the script installing Composer programmatically will always download the latest version. (script is located in docker/php-fpm/docker-install-composer)
It’s possible for your new builds to fail with the new version. Composer 2 includes support for parallel downloads, and it is now not necessary (nor possible) to continue using the hirak/prestissimo plugin. You will need to remove this plugin from Dockerfile. You can find inspiration here –
You will probably need to update your dependencies with the …
composer update |
… command, because some packages (for example symfony/flex) added support for Composer 2 in versions you may not have installed yet.
In case you need to fallback to Composer 1, you can update the docker/php-fpm/docker-install-composer file
– php composer-setup.php ––quiet ––install-dir=/usr/local/bin ––filename=composer + php composer-setup.php ––quiet ––1 ––install-dir=/usr/local/bin ––filename=composer RESULT=$? rm composer-setup.php exit $RESULT |
We promise, all that extra work is worth the efforts. We are all pleased with the noteworthy speed improvements. Have fun.