Our product receives another seed investment of $450,000 from Reflex Capital, an investment fund run by Ondrej Fryc, founder of Mall Group.
Reflex Capital invested in Shopsys in December, 2016 for the first time (350,000 $). The new investment (450,000 for 5% of company share) will be used for global expansion with Shopsys Framework. The majority share is still in hands of its founder Petr Svoboda, management, and other employees who own 15% of the company.
“We have decided again to invest in a project which is capable of fulfilling its global potential. Petr Svoboda is a great entrepreneur, a role-model for his team, and an inspiration for us as well. We are honoured to be working with the Shopsys team”, adds Ondřej Fryc, the founder of investment fund Reflex Capital.
Despite Shopsys Framework beta expecting a launch in September, there are already more than 20 ecommerce sites who have been building using Shopsys Framework.
The founder of Shopsys, Petr Svoboda, is confident about the release, and sees it as an opportunity for his clients to step up their game. “We are ready to launch a public version of Shopsys Framework and expand it across the globe. The potential customers waste years of development by implementing something, which we are able to deliver to them for free and thus save their time and money. They do not need to start from scratch anymore.”
Occurence in the Czech media (in Czech language):
- https://www.czechcrunch.cz/2018/07/shopsys-ziskal-dalsich-10-milionu-kc-od-internetoveho-podnikatele-ondreje-fryce/
- https://www.lupa.cz/aktuality/fryc-investuje-dalsich-10-milionu-do-shopsysu-pouziji-se-na-rust-v-zahranici/
- https://tyinternety.cz/e-commerce/reflex-capital-ondreje-fryce-investoval-dalsich-10-milionu-do-shopsys-framework/
- http://www.czechstartups.org/shopsys-framework-skalovatelny-open-source-system-pro-stavbu-velkych-e-shopu-ziskava-dalsi-investici-ve-vysi-10-milionu-korun-od-fondu-reflex-capital-ondreje-fryce/
- https://roklen24.cz/a/SwefT/shopsys-framework-ziskava-dalsi-investici-na-globalni-expanzi
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